Fairwood Community News



Fairwood Community News Classifieds

FREE ADS! Reach out to the Fairwood Neighborhood by posting your ad here!

Classified ads include non-commercial postings (no businesses or non-profits, sorry) and are free to neighbors in the Fairwood area.

Generally, we will post ads for two weeks. Once removed, ad postings must be resubmitted to ensure they are current.

Submit your ads to info@fairwoodcommunitynews. com for consideration, and include your name, phone number, address (verifying you are in the Fairwood area) and email. Fairwood Community News is not responsible for the content or accuracy of ads posted and will post at the discretion (decency, etc.) of the editor.

For home sales, rentals, and business ads, contact us for display advertising. Thank you!


From the Community

"The Lake Desire Community Club is appreciative of having a place on the website
to post our community updates.  It is great to have our local Fairwood community information one click away.  Thanks for all of your hard work on this website!"

- Heather Smith
Lake Desire Community Club